Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mathematics Performance Task Reflection (Pang Cheng Feng (20) Class S101)

During the data collection process, we had no place to sit at first, so we decided to sit on the stairs. After a while, we were chased away by the security guard. Luckily, we managed to find a seat in Burger King. We started counting taxis, and recorded down our data. The process went through quite smoothly. However, we encountered a few problems. The first problem was the sun. It was a little bit hard to look at the taxis with the sun's reflection on it, shining into my eyes. I had to move to a different location. The sun was also heating up my teammate's macbook, making it hard to type. Next time, we should come earlier to get a better place for recording the data. Moving on, we had roles for each member. I recorded the data while time-keeping, one of my teammates, Jun Yang, piratically kept the group in shape by leading us, and Alyssa who counted the taxis. We managed pretty well except the fact that one of our group mates did not arrive in time. This was due to our lack of communication skills, which we will improve by getting one another's number before starting the project. If I had a similar project in the near future, I would have came much earlier than the rest, so as to get a comfortable sitting place to record data. Besides that, it must be sheltered and safe. We did not really have any group quarrels except the fact that we could not decide over where we were going to take down the data. In a nutshell, I think all of us could have done better, although I know we were already almost doing our best. If the information we have collected leaked(and it is wrong), the consequences would be extremely dire.
Thank you.
Cheng Feng from S101 (20)

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